"For every step you take out of your comfort zone, you send a clear message to yourself: 'I got you. And no matter what happens, you’ll be okay.'” - S. Renee Smith, CEO


From tech sales to entertainment, marketing to public relations, authorship to leadership development – my career has been an unconventional, yet thrilling journey of exploration and growth. It has allowed me the opportunity to work with celebrities, national business leaders, and nervous employees in their first role.

With a focus on driving cultural change through talent development, I've held leadership roles at Amazon, Walmart, and Paramount. I also served as a Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer for a leading organization dedicated to creating workplaces free from harassment and abuse.  

Every decision I made led me to discover new things about myself and my capacity for success. I learned to trust my instincts and take ownership of my own life and control of my career. I encountered setbacks, faced rejections, and navigated uncertainty, all the while embracing risks and taking accountability for the outcomes. 

While my errors grounded me, they compelled me to reassess, realign, and extract life's teachings to apply daily. Validation from companies entrusting me with their workforce, publishers acknowledging my proficiency and hiring me to write for them, and media recognizing my message's value, alongside unexpected accolades and awards, further reinforced my purpose and the impact of my work on others.


  • AWS
  • Center for Coaching Certification
  • Gallup
  • Hudson Institute of Coaching
  • SHRM
  • University of Delaware 
  • Wharton Executive Education
  • Xerox International Center for Management and Training Development


  • 5 Steps to Assertiveness: How to Communicate With Confidence and Get What You Want
  • Harness the POWER of Personal Branding and Executive Presence
  • Our Hearts Wonder: Prayers to Heal Your Heart and Calm Your Soul
  • Self-Esteem for Dummies
  • There Is More Inside
  • The Bridge to Your Brand


  • S. Renee Smith Day, Buffalo, New York
  • Personal Growth Expert, Delaware House of Representatives, 
  • Distinguished Alumni Award,  National Association for Equal Opportunity