$365.67 USD

3 monthly payments

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UnBottle Your GENIE: Design Your Brand Action Plan

Transcend moments of uncertainty, transform your brand and become confident, compelling, and captivating. 

  • Ready to stop just theorizing and start taking action to build your brand for success? UnBottle Your Genie: Design Your Brand Action Plan is here to help. This personalized development process includes Create a Mindset for Success course and S. Renee's proven brand development design process. Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to a clear vision for your life with a 30-day plan to accelerate your growth. Get ready to leverage your unique strengths and fulfill your life purpose. Don't wait any longer - unlock your full potential now. 

Easy to understand; ready to apply

  • Are you tired of waiting to start living the life you truly desire? With S. Renee's revolutionary concepts, you can take control of your power and start building your dream brand today. From defining your goals to creating a plan that aligns with your vision, S. Renee's insights are easy to understand and implement. 

Questions that guide you to the answers that lie within you.  

  • Are you ready to make a transformational change? Through engaging lectures and hands-on work sessions, we offer a framework for you to reflect on your life, learn valuable lessons, expand your network, and set ambitious goals. We understand that everyone's journey to success is different, which is why we provide the tools and guidance to help you unleash your inner genie. Once you release your genie, it's up to you to nurture it, manage it, and let it guide you towards achieving your dreams. Don't let your potential remain locked away any longer – join us and unlock a world of possibilities.

This is a Comprehensive Program. It includes Create a Mindset for Success and modules on brand development to creating a 30-day plan for your brand. It consists of the following:

  • 10 Lectures
  • 25 Work Sessions
  • 31 Written Exercises
  • 2 Reflective Exercises
  • 73-page workbook that transforms into your playbook

$2,216 in Bonuses: 

  • (6) Live 60-minute Dive Deep: Group Coaching and Q&A with S. Renee Sessions (a $1500 value)
  • 60-minute 1:1 coaching call with S. Renee (a $500 value) 
  • Master Your Mind Online Community (a $216/year value)

Note: Delayed and Monthly Payment Options receive one module each week.